
1st July: Monster Mash

Monster Mash July 2

Updates from Ingrid, Founder

For quite a while, I’ve been teasing you with snippets of our latest projects – the Flying Ahead collection of books and the KS2 Phonics Kit Bag. This week, I’ve been sharing an inside look at both new resources, and I’m incredibly proud of what our team has achieved.

📚 Flying Ahead Collection 📚

The Flying Ahead collection is designed for all children transitioning from decodable readers to more advanced, unstructured reading. We know exactly where they finish and where their new reading journey should begin.

While suitable for all children, we’ve integrated features into both the fiction and non-fiction books that are especially beneficial for dyslexic learners, like many in my family. These features include wider spacing between lines of text, high levels of visuals for engagement, a structured approach to new vocabulary, and engaging use of characters in both sets. I truly believe this collection will make a significant difference.

Shop Now

KS2 Phonics Kit Bag

The KS2 Phonics Kit Bag is specifically designed for children who need additional support and for educators who may not always know how to assist children in KS2 with gaps in phonics.

I’m proud to be part of a company with such a talented team, creating resources that think of all children in an inclusive way. We all live under one sky, and the whole idea of Monster Phonics is to help all children thrive. Thank you for your support!

Phonics Kit bag

Updates from Kathryn, Head of Training

As this academic year comes to an end, your thoughts start to move towards holidays, having a well deserved rest and generally winding down…but as leaders and teachers you are always thinking ahead, thinking of your next steps and your aims and aspirations for the upcoming academic year.

In terms of CPD look no further than our comprehensive training offer. If you haven’t already done so, check out our new training calendar. In 2024/25 we are offering a host of FREE CPD opportunities exclusively for Monster Phonics Schools, ranging from refreshers, information sessions and pedagogical topics. Simply click on our calendar below and get planning your training for the year ahead.
Training Calendar
Also, we are in the process of expanding our ‘Enhanced Training’. This section of the Online Training Hub offers role specific training for leadership, phonics leaders and teachers. We would like to get your ideas and feedback…are there any training topics you would like to see?
If there are email me at [email protected] I look forward to hearing your ideas.
Enhanced Training

Updates from Toni, Literacy Expert

Hi Everyone, well we are nearly there- the final 3 weeks of the summer term can you believe it!

We are really excited to let you know that we are looking for SHS ambassadors, teachers that have been using the spelling programme for a while who would like to play a more active role within our social media community and benefit from privileges and CPD. To find out more email me on [email protected]

As Ingrid mentioned, you’ve also seen the exciting new products that you might be of interest in which feature the superheroes from our spelling programme.

Superhero Spelling