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Monster Phonics Improves the Progress of Every Child

Ingrid Connors

Recent school data has shown that a school using Monster Phonics can expect a 38% average improvement in spelling accuracy in 5 weeks. Goldenhill Primary in West Dunbartonshire, focused on 28 Year 2 children. The school was looking for a new programme that engaged children and dramatically improved results. The Monster Phonics Programme was taught in five 30 minute sessions per week. All children made outstanding progress.

Ruth Beattie, who implemented the Collaborative Action Research commented, ‘I would definitely recommend the Monster Phonics programme to other practitioners. The increase in phonological awareness has not only aided spelling but also reading and writing.’

Central to the Monster Phonics approach is ensuring that children love learning. One child who took part in the study said, ‘Monster Phonics lets me have more of a chance of getting the spelling right of words because I know the sound and I know the different ways you can spell that sound,’

Focusing on improving spelling so quickly then ensures pupils are confident and fluent writers leading to more pupils surpassing expected standards by the end of key stage 1.

Monster Phonics is a National Curriculum teaching programme for KS1 and Reception. Free trials are available to schools at or email for more information.