It is incredible to think that the Monster Phonics ‘webinar was just last Thursday. It was so easy for me to follow that I immediately wanted to introduce the scheme to my granddaughter, Marian,in Reception, whom I am teaching during lock down. She immediately loved the angry A monster and and introducing ‘ ay’ this way was effortless. By going through the introductory free videos first, found on You Tube, she got a real feel for Tricky Witch, Miss Oh, ‘ee’ frog etc. Her school sends links such as’Mr Thorne does phonics’ and last week the short ‘oo’ was highlighted. I printed off your excellent lesson plan on this and Marian loved the story video where Tricky Witch goes to Rabbit’s Bookshop and gets the random book about odd socks. I intend to revisit this and get out my bag of odd socks and we will carry the story on…We will also do the rap with the short’oo’ sound and I have prepared some rap backing music.