learning comics have arrived

MP Hero Comics: Your Guide to Learning Comics and Reading Together

Joanna Peristiani

Welcome to the world of MP Hero Comics, where learning comics come to life! Our exciting series of 20 comics is perfect for introducing your child to a captivating world filled with superheroes, real people, lovable monsters, and villains.

Each superhero possesses a unique talent that helps protect the people and monsters from pesky villains and natural disasters. Every comic revolves around an issue or problem that is overcome by one or more superheroes. Our superheroes serve as memory cues, providing children with visual representations of specific sounds. This helps them associate the sounds with the corresponding graphemes more easily.

The main goal of our comics is to focus on key graphemes or groups of graphemes, enabling learners to read them with greater ease and accuracy.

Focusing on Key Graphemes

In the comic book format, the text is spread out, making it appealing to certain learners. This layout keeps the focus on the target graphemes. We have included a plethora of high-frequency and common exception words in our comics to help develop confidence and fluency in reading.

shop preview 01

Top Tips When Reading With Learning Comics

To make your reading experience even more enjoyable, we’ve compiled seven top tips for reading with your child:

  1. Find A Comfortable Reading Spot: Create a place to read together.
  2. Explore the comics: Take a moment to look through the comics together. They are visually engaging and captivating.
  3. Focus on the badge: It indicates the grapheme(s) that are the main focus. These graphemes will be highlighted in the text, so be sure to emphasize them when reading.
  4. Model Good Reading Habits: Read the comic aloud to your child and model good reading habits. For example, demonstrate how to read sentences with question marks or exclamation marks.
  5. Repetition Is Key: Repeat reading the comics multiple times. Repetition helps reinforce learning.
  6. Encourage Imaginative Play: Use the characters from the stories. Help your child draw or write their own comics, incorporating the target graphemes from the comic you are reading.
  7. Enthusiasm: Lastly, allow your child access to all the comics in Set 1. If they show enthusiasm and motivation to read, let them dive into the comics wholeheartedly.

Structure of Set 1

The learning comics can be read in any order, so feel free to start anywhere you like. Here’s how they have been structured:

The villains make their appearance in the two-part series called “The Dangers,” which is included in Set 2 of the comics. In this set of learning comics, we introduce more challenging letters, including silent letters, which can often pose difficulties for learners.

Single Grapheme

Phonics Families

Tricky Letters

We hope you and your child have a wonderful time exploring the world of MP Comics!