International Subscription v2 (Bundles)

Monster Phonics Membership£549.00 / yr
What's included
  • 5 Live Sessions of Bespoke Training + Training Platform
  • Improved results with engaging lessons and extensive resources.
  • Complete Rapid Intervention Programme
  • Complete Handwriting Programme
  • Keep on track with our Assessment Tracker and online Phonics Screening Tool

Cost-Effective Membership Bundles

Our fully aligned teaching programmes provide seamless continuity and progression from Nursery to Year 6. Save money and see the incredible impact on results.

Best ValueMega 3 in 1 Bundle
  • Foundations in Phonics Programme
    (2-4 years)
  • Monster Phonics Schools Programme
    (4-7 years)
  • Superhero Spelling KS2 Programme
    (7-11 years)
£899.00 / yrSaving 15%Sign Up
Super School Bundle
  • Monster Phonics Schools Programme
    (4-7 years)
  • Superhero Spelling KS2 Programme
    (7-11 years)
£849.00 / yrSaving 6%Sign Up
Complete Phonics Bundle
  • Foundations in Phonics Programme
    (2-4 years)
  • Monster Phonics Schools Programme
    (4-7 years)
£649.00 / yrSaving 7%Sign Up


1 Year School Membership £549 / yr
All prices exclude VAT
Is training provided as part of the membership?

Yes, training is included within your school’s membership subscription. We are committed to providing continuous, high-quality training. We also host online live training which offers an outstanding level of CPD for our schools. Find our online events in our training brochure. 

Is there a Monster Phonics reading scheme?

Yes! We highly recommend you purchase the Monster Phonics reading scheme with the membership to accelerate learning and improve results. Our decodable books are fully aligned with our phonics programme and features a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles.  

Are the eBooks included in the programme?

Our eBooks can be purchased separately as a subscription. This subscription allows you to select either the entire scheme or specific stages. 

Do you offer support in KS2?

Yes, our KS2 scheme, Superhero Spelling, provides comprehensive lessons for children from Years 3 to 6, going beyond the latest DfE guidance. A complete and inclusive solution for practising all statutory word lists with ease, and saving valuable teacher time. 

We also have intervention comics that are designed for children in Key Stage 2 who need an extra boost to help acquire core phonics skills.