Meet the monsters

Angry Red A

Angry Red A

Letters making a long A sound are red.

a, a-e, ay, ai, ei, eigh, ea, ey

[Try reading it out]

It is not raining.

We play in the sand.

It is great to play.

Green Froggy

Green Froggy

Letters making a long E sound are green.

e, y, ee, ea, ie, ey, ei, i, e-e, i-e

[Try reading it out]

She can see a tree.

He can see a f.ield.

They have a yummy picnic treat.

Yellow I

Yellow I

Letters making a long I sound are yellow.

i, i-e, y, igh, ie, y-e

[Try reading it out]

It is night.

My light is on.

The stars are bright in the sky.

Monster Phonics Miss Oh No

Miss Oh No

Letters making a long O sound are pink.

o, o-e, oa, ow, oe

[Try reading it out]

The boat will float.

The river flows.

We are going to row.

Monster Phonics U-Hoo


Letters making a long U sound are purple.

u, u-e, ew, ue, eu

[Try reading it out]

A few cats persue a bird.

They are stuck in a tree. Can we rescue them?

The cats jump down. Phew!

Monster Phonics Cool Blue

Cool Blue

Letters making a long oo sound are coloured blue.

u, o, u-e, oo, ew, ue, ou, ui, o-e, eu

[Try reading it out]

It was cool at the pool.

The wind blew.

A group went to the zoo.

Monster Phonics Brown Owl

Brown Owl

Letters making a long ow sound are coloured brown.

ow, ou

[Try reading it out]

The owl is brown.

It drifts without a sound.

Down and out and around.

Monster Phonics Ghosts


Silent letters that do not make a sound are white.

[Try reading it out]

We wrap a present.

Knock! Knock!

We give it to a friend.

Monster Phonics Tricky Witch


Tricky helps children learn the more complicated spellings which often make a different sound to what they might expect. They are gold.

[Try reading it out]

She wants some gems

This gem is a magic!

She said thank you.

Monster Phonics Black Cats

The Black Cats

The letters of the alphabet and the consonant digraphs. These are the letter sounds that children are first taught in school.

[Try reading it out]

A cat sat on a rug.

It got in a box.

It had a drink and a nap.

Multi-sensory and Child-Centred

A systematic synthetic phonics scheme that improves engagement, understanding, memory and results.