Year 2
Phase 6 phonics is taught throughout Year 2. This teaching is now dispersed throughout the KS1 Spelling Curriculum. It is useful to teach children these spelling rules from the outset, as these are essential for accurate spelling, particularly with regards to writing in the past tense which is common in story writing.
Requirements for entry
1. Will know most of the common grapheme–phoneme correspondences (GPCs).
2. Should be able to read hundreds of words
■ reading familiar words automatically
■ decoding words quickly and silently because their sounding and blending routine is
now well established;
■ decoding them aloud.
3. Should spell mostly phonemically accurately. Spelling usually lags behind reading, as it is harder.
Objectives of Phase 6
1. To become fluent readers and increasingly accurate spellers
2. To use spelling guidelines to improve accuracy. For example, to recognise that the position of a phoneme in a word may rule out certain graphemes for that phoneme.
3. To use strategies for gaining independence, such as proofreading and use of dictionaries and spell checkers and how fluent joined handwriting supports accurate spelling.
4. To learn less common spelling patterns, including w-a, w-or, al, ve, schwa ‘a’
5. To be able to use spelling rules to spell
- prefixes and suffixes (including doubling and dropping letters)
- contractions
- homophones
Monster Phonics
Spelling rules are taught throughout the Monster Phonics programme, within phonics lessons. In addition, spelling rules are also taught in focused spelling lessons that can be found in the Monster Phonics Resources.
Phase 6 planning and resources are found in the Year 1 and Year 2 sections of the Monster Phonics Resources area.
Browse the phased phonics teaching structure for schools.
- Phase 1 Phonics
- Phase 2 Phonics
- Phase 3 Phonics
- Phase 4 Phonics
- Phase 5 Phonics
- Phase 6 Phonics